
Innovation Day another another another another another another another another Reflection

Our Innovation Day project was all about water filtration and we chose to create an activated charcoal filter made from cotton balls, rocks and activated charcoal. Building our activated charcoal filter took three attempts, and it was very frustrating. I didn’t feel like rebuilding the filter so many times, but my partner thought we should.… Read more Innovation Day another another another another another another another another Reflection

Les Animaux Sauvages Poisson Blob

Title: La Poisson Blob   Pour terminer notre unité au sujet des animaux sauvages, Madame Sylvie nous a demandé de faire une recherche sur un animal de notre choix. Après avoir choisi mon sujet le Poisson Blob, j’ai recherché de l’information et préparé une présentation sur CANVA. Ce que j’ai appris de plus intéressant sur… Read more Les Animaux Sauvages Poisson Blob

Hurricane News Report

Another Another Reflection… In Social Studies we made a news report on Hurricane Ian and Hurricane Fiona I learned about the horrible thing the hurricanes have done to Florida and the support their getting also the measures being taken to keep the citizens safe I chose Ian here is my project:  

Le Systeme Solaire

A la fin de l’unite sur le system solaire dans la classe de francais j’ai cree un afriche sur CANCA au sujet du systeme. Je devais apprendre cinq faits sur les planetes et le presenter au groupe. Clicker sur le liem pour mon project Mon Project